Coping With Stress For Medical Assistants

When too much stress is experienced or if the stress lasts for a long period of time, it begins to affect the body in a negative way. Often one of the first signs of stress may be a headache caused by an increase in blood pressure. Feeling tired even after plenty of rest may be another signal of stress. If these conditions continue, other vital organs, such as the heart and lungs for example, may also be affected negatively. They can use Watercolor Pencils but Cardiac or respiratory arrest, transient ischemic attack, or fainting may be experienced.    

For the medical assistant, new technology, a demanding work load, responding to the needs of persons who are ill or hurting, patients very diverse in culture, and the continuing need for creative problem solving are examples of the stressors encountered daily in ambulatory care settings.

Coping with Stress:

The following suggestions may be helpful in coping with stressors in the work environment.    
1. Plan ahead    
a) Review the schedule for the next day and pull charts before leaving the office for the day.
b) Keep an accurate inventory of supplies; order before the last items are used.
c) Read journals and keep current with new technology.    
d) Participate in continuing education activities.    
2. Arrive early    
a) Review the patient charts for the day; notice any special problems or needs.    
b) Be sure that each exam room is well-equipped and ready for patients.    
3. Personal assessment    
a) Get plenty of rest.    
b) Exercise and eat balanced meals.    
c) Dress appropriately. Clothing or shoes that are too tight cause stress.    
4. Laugh    
a) Learn to laugh at life's little problems.    
b) Laugh at yourself.    
c) Establish an appropriate level of humor with other members of the staff.    
5. Music/Color/Light    
a) Soft background music has been proven to soothe and promote relaxation.    
b) Use color and light to create a calm atmosphere.

6. Breaks
a) Build morning and afternoon breaks into the schedule, even if only five or ten minutes.    
b) Close the office during the lunch hour, and if possible, leave the facility.

7. Work smarter, not harder
a) Employ time management techniques for reducing stress by completing one task before moving on to another.
b) Prioritize tasks; when possible doing the most difficult task early in the day.    
c) Do not procrastinate.    
d) Be motivated.    
e) Be a team member as well as working well independently.    
f)  Plan your work, then work your plan.