Today's health professional will give care to individuals of varied cultures who hold differing philosophical beliefs toward medicine. The informed and caring health professional will recognize that a person's culture and ethnic heritage play an enormous role in any kind of health care. For example, if the cultural experience leans toward a more natural, non-medical form of health care, treating the patient with prescription drugs will necessitate an explanation and rationale of the use of medications. Otherwise, the patient may refuse to take all or part of the medications, thus hindering recovery. It would be better to seek a treatment for the patient that embraces both the health care professional's desire to heal and the individual's wish to respect cultural tradition.
In every society, medicine has been an important element for its people. From the earliest time, culture was an important influence on medicine, and modern day medicine is in many ways a reflection of this diverse and rich heritage.
It is certain that religion, magic, and science all played a vital part in the history of medicine. Religion was important because it was perceived that certain gods were to be called upon for a cure through ceremonies, prayers, and sacrifices. Magic was practiced because it was such an important part of many societies and was seen as an essential ingredient to chase away evil spirits. The importance of science was demonstrated in the use of plants and minerals for medicinal purposes. The use of plants and minerals is found throughout medicine's history. Unearthed clay tablets reveal hundreds of plants, minerals, and animal substances used for medicinal purposes in ancient Mesopotamia and Babylon. The Chinese pharmacopoeia was rich in the use of herbs.
Skeletal remains of prehistoric cultures show advanced stages of arthritis, a nearly toothless jaw and only a 20- to 40-year lifespan for humans. Skull bones indicate round holes (trephination) believed to be necessary to release the evil spirits thought to be causing a person's illness. Mesopotamian cultures believed that illness was a punishment by the gods for violation of a moral code. Ancient Egyptians believed the body was a system of channels for air, tears, blood, urine, sperm, and feces. Medicines are also given a lot of importance while voyagers go for a Mediterranean Cruise around the Mediterranean Sea. All the channels were thought to come together in the rectum, and were believed to become easily clogged. Thus, emetics, enemas, and purges of the anus were common treatments. In ancient India, plastic surgery was practiced. Punishment for adultery was cutting off the nose, therefore allowing physicians many opportunities to practice and refine the art of nose reconstruction.
The ancient Chinese examined and carefully monitored the pulse in each wrist. It was believed that the pulse had hundreds of characteristics important in medical treatment. There were five methods of treatment to bring a person back to the right track. They were:
1. Cure the spirit.
2. Nourish the body.
3. Give medications.
4. Treat the whole body.
5. Use acupuncture and moxibustion.
Acupuncture is the piercing of the skin by long needles into any of 365 points along twelve meridians that transverse the body and transmit an active life force called ''ch'i" (pronounced chee). Each of these spots is related to a particular organ specialy on an Eastern Mediterranean Cruise since Moxibustion requires the use of a powdered plant substance that is made into a small mound of the person's skin and then burned, usually raising a blister.
Even today's allopathic physicians would agree that the first four goals of treatment from Chinese culture are excellent guidelines for health care. There is an increasing awareness, also, that acupuncture has a valid place in allopathic medicine, especially for the control of pain or treatment of drug dependency.
Cultural Heritage in Medicine And Cruises
Certified Medical Assistant Work
Medical Assistance is a field which is continuously emerging and will be around with us. It does not depend on any fact which involves adverse conditions of the national economy or things related to it. So by the introduction of MAs, you don’t have to turn into a full time doctor or a certified nurse in order to gain a worthwhile job, there are now numerous types of medical jobs career that fulfills above requirements. These include jobs from medical admin assistant to x-ray takers. One of these positions in the health industries which are growing quicker than any industry is medical assistant work.
What does medical assistant work involve? MA tasks fluctuate from admin jobs to medical jobs for e.g. checking blood sugar. So to begin a MA career you should join a MA certification program. These types of programs give you all the training and experiences required to become a certified MA. We have many diverse healthcare institutions that have need of MAs. Since MAs are inexpensive than doctors so in these economical crisis they are getting in much elevated demand which means that worthwhile candidates will not have a hard time finding medical assistant work around them.
One can also confirm this information on the government’s employment stats website online! This clearly shows that the MA field is growing quicker than average. You can also find the salary of medical assistants on the website. The particulars on web are precise as it tells us that which offices pay what amount. In addition one can also determine that which area or locality has the uppermost rate.
MAs have many work responsibilities when they are at job. This is an in demand vocation that requires obsession for serving others. They are used for organizational work and to execute clinical work in definite medical areas. Medical assistant work is occasionally perplexed with physicians. The job of PA is to observe and diagnose patients under the direction of the head physician of hospital. MAs job frequently involves keeping order in medical organization and to make sure that things run accordingly right through the day.
Medical assistants are really vital constituent required in smooth running of a medical office. You have to be relaxed while interacting with others to achieve well in this field. You will be given to mush to handle right away, so I will advise you to be prearranged and responsible during your job. We have seen that most medical assistants are full time employees, doing 42 plus hours, but one can also find positions as part-time workers or those seeking work at nighttime or on weekends.
Jobs in California
Progress has been made in the advancement of the profession of medical assisting since the first group of medical assistants gathered to become organized and formed the American Association of Medical Assistants. That is why medical assistant jobs around California has increased to double the amount it was last year! For example, the number of certified medical assistants has exceeded 50,000 since certification began in 1963, and the year 1995 recorded the largest number of candidates who sat for the certification examination. The total number of medical assistants in the work force is 1.2 million and employment opportunities continue to grow. Educational requirements have been increasingly important: as of February 1, 1998, only graduates of medical assisting programs accredited by CAAHEP will be eligible to take the certification examination. These examinations are frequently held in California to provide assistants with good jobs in the city. The AAMA continues to promote standards of excellence for its members, encouraging continuing education and awarding continuing education credits to members of AAMA via various means.
All of these factors are evidence of a strong professional perspective and should offer encouragement and support to any student or graduate of medical assisting.
Becoming a professional is a gradual process and cannot be learned in its entirety from a textbook. The challenge of becoming a professional medical assistant will require open-mindedness and a desire for continued learning and education, jobs, certification, and re-certification of the CMA credential, and professional involvement through organizational participation.
As the scope of work done by medical assistants broadens and medical assistants seek and require formal education, the professional medical assistant from California will gain additional respect and be in even greater demand while the jobs hunt. Medical assistants must continuously pursue excellence, which is the hallmark of all professional behavior.
Certified Medical Assistant Employment NYC
It is important to note that the Medical assistants seized about four hundred thousand jobs in America and NYC (New york). About 60% of these MAs worked in staff of medical physicians; 14% were employed in public and private hospitals and 10% worked at the offices of supplementary medical practitioners, for instance chiropractor, optometrist and podiatrist. A large amount of the remnants worked in further health care places for example out-patient care center and in residential care services. Certified medical assistant employment is predictable to cultivate a lot faster than the previous average, by taking the medical assistants in the midst of the maximum growing professions over the 2006 to 2016 period. Due to this reason job opportunities are supposed to be exceptional, chiefly for those with proper schooling, skill, experience and qualifications.
Since we are observing that the health industry is widely expanding which is mainly because of technical and scientific advances in medicinal and health sector plus we are also watching the increase in world population so it is not hard to predict that there will be a “greater than before” requirement for many health care personals which will result in the employment of medical assistants in the fast mounting health care industry.
Medical Assistants are required in an ever-increasing number of group practices, clinics, and other health care facilities because the can take care of both organizational and clinic duties. Additionally, MAs are working largely in out-patient setting which is a swiftly growing zone of the health care industry. Those job hunters who are ready to work as a medical assistant can find outstanding job scenario in their field. MAs are required for a huge number of medical jobs. Note that loads of other chances will come by the need to restore MAs who are switching their jobs will get the best jobs
Now-a-days medical assistants are used to subordinate the costs in increasing healthcare industry that is why we can predict that the job prospects are likely to amplify quickly through 2013. Certified medical assistant employment consist the duties to assist in major and minor surgery, to take care of the patients, and to conquest procedure and routine which are typically accomplished by a physician as they are able and cost effective employees of health centers. We will see that with the improvement in medical technology, the use of medical assistants will boost for the reason that they can work in places detached from the physician, but will still uphold the management. Their employment is constantly vacant in the internal city of NYC or country areas where major-physician do not normally like to work. Medical assistants frequently locate employment in hospital, prison, educational medical facility, and in municipal clinics. So there is always a large chance that you can get a job while being a medical assistant.
Historical Perspective of Medical Assisting
Historically, when physicians began their practices, it was common for them to hire individuals and train them on the job. Physicians originally hired nurses, but eventually they came to realize that nurses could not perform the variety of duties that are required when working in medical offices and ambulatory care centers. The nurse's role was limited to assisting the physician with clinical procedures, whereas the medical assistant's role was and is much broader and includes a multiplicity of activities, procedures, and responsibilities, both administrative and clinical.
Today, with a much more informed patient comes the need for educated and credentialed medical assistants. Additionally, in today's litigious atmosphere, which makes health care providers vulnerable to malpractice suits, most employers recognize the importance of employing medical assistants who are professionally prepared through formal education. Employers want knowledgeable and dependable medical assistants in order that physicians can focus their time and attention on the medical decisions, treatments, and techniques for which they have been educated and licensed. This leaves in the hands of the medical assistant assisting the physician and the operation and management of the practice.
It was in 1978 that the profession of medical assisting was formally recognized by the United States Department of Education. Twenty-four years prior to this official recognition of the profession, a group of medical assistants gathered to establish a professional organization. With support, encouragement, and guidance from the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) was founded in 1956, Figure 1-5. The first president of the organization was Maxine Williams.
In 1991, the AAMA's board of trustees approved the present definition of medical assisting as,
Medical Assisting is a multi-skilled allied health profession whose practitioners work primarily in ambulatory settings such as offices and clinics. Medical Assistants function as members of the health care delivery team and perform administrative and clinical duties.
That was a short info on the historical perspective of medical assisting. I hope you liked it!
Physical Attributes Of Medical Assistants
As a good and caring medical assistant, appearance is important in patients' perceptions of the delivery of their care. Imparting the look of a professional requires an appearance that is clean and fresh and wholesome; in general, an appearance that reflects good health habits, Figure 1-2. Good personal hygiene practices, weight control, healthy-looking skin, hair, teeth, and nails all contribute to a professional appearance. Rest, good nutrition, regular exercise, and recreation all promote good health.
Female medical assistants should wear appropriate light daytime makeup. For the safety of both the professional and the patient, no necklaces or dangling earrings should be worn. The only jewelry worn should be ear-posts or wedding rings. Hair should be neat and off the collar. Wear only clear, unchipped nail polish. Male medical assistants should be clean-shaven and have short hair. The only jewelry should be a wedding ring. Colognes, perfumes, and after-shave should not be worn at work.
Patient care can place physical demands upon medical assistants. Lifting and moving patients is often required and the use of correct body mechanics will help minimize injuries to the back. While every reasonable accommodation is made for physically challenged medical assistants, to be mobile without assistance is important because medical assistants will move about throughout the day while performing tasks and procedures. It is frequently necessary to bend, stoop, kneel, and crouch, especially when filing and retrieving patients' records, and for other tasks as well. Most procedures require that medical assistants have the ability to hear and see well for the accurate completion of tasks. Listening to blood pressures, taking a medical history, observing patients, performing phlebotomy, and identifying microorganisms under a microscope are some of the routine tasks and procedures performed daily in a medical facility. Manual dexterity is also needed for manipulating certain instruments and for entering data using a computer.
It is important that medical assistants learn to develop the ability to communicate well verbally and non verbally with patients during their jobs. Compliance with the physician's treatment plan is important for a positive outcome of patients' illnesses patients will feel more comfortable and less threatened in a medical office or ambulatory center that encourages staff to keep them informed.
Personal Attributes of Medical Assistant
Today I am going to write briefly about the personal attributes of a medical assistant..
Consider the following points which will certainly help you to provide patients with the best health care possible and learn what it means to be a professional medical assistant!
1) Empathy
To have empathy means to consider the patient's welfare and to be kind. It means stepping into the patient's place, discovering what the patient is experiencing, and then recognizing and identifying with those feelings. Medical assistants should treat patients as they would want to be treated. A visit to the doctor is often a time of fear and anxiety.
Apprehension can be allayed tremendously when patients realize that their health care provider understands their feelings and desires to make their lives more pleasant and comfortable.
2) Attitude
A friendly, warm disposition and a sense of humor will help patients feel more at ease. A sincere affection for people can be conveyed by actions that facilitate open and honest communication. An attitude should radiate genuine interest. On occasion, difficult patients can test the tolerance level of the most experienced medical assistant because they seem never to be content with the care or services received. But no matter what the circumstances, patients should never be treated with disinterest or in an unfriendly manner. The medical assistant should always be pleasant and courteous.
3) Dependability
Being dependable means that employer and co-workers rely on the medical assistant to be respectful of them, of patients, and of equipment and materials. Other members of the health care team will expect duties and responsibilities to be carried out responsibly. A dependable person interacts with coworkers in a supportive manner, is punctual, and limits absences from work.
4) Initiative
The willingness and ability to work independently shows initiative. A person with initiative is observant, notices work that needs to be done, and then takes action to complete those tasks without being told. Employer and coworkers must be able to count on one another to anticipate patients' needs and be attentive to work that needs to be accomplished. The successful medical assistant will be ready to pitch in and recognize when others need assistance.
5) Flexibility
The ability to be adaptable is a trait that serves all professionals well. When caring for ill people, unexpected situations arise daily and medical assistants must be able to respond to a variety of situations (many of them emergencies and unanticipated) without losing a sense of equilibrium. To improvise, or solve problems that arise either routinely or spontaneously, is a characteristic worth nurturing.
6) Desire to Learn
A willingness to continually learn and grow is the mark of a true professional. With the multitude of new technology in medicine, there is an ongoing necessity for constant learning. Medical assistants must be dedicated to high standards of performance, which can be accomplished by showing a desire to acquire information and by constantly updating their knowledge and skills. Keeping abreast of the latest diseases, treatments, procedures, and techniques can be achieved in a variety of ways, such as college courses, seminars, workshops, reading, and simply by being observant. The sharper the power of observation, the more the medical assistant will learn from physician, employer, and coworkers.
Medical Assistance
Medical assistance are usually employed in personal clinic, hospital, and doctors' office. Usually, medical assistant hired by minor offices will perform several different duties including filing, keeping records, and sometimes answer the phone calls. Bigger hospitals frequently exploit the skill of a medical assistants through actual medicinal procedures. In various places patients meet up with a medical assistant before meeting a physician. Through an early meeting, it is duty of the assistant to ponder, gauge, and record the patient’s medical and technical information. Additionally, an assistant might manage injection, bandages, answer the crucial checkup questions, carry out easy tests, and take x rays.
Medical assistance requires the basic education though lots of aspects of this position is learned during work, employer are inclined to pick candidates who do have some formal training in his field. A variety of professional institutes present a medical assistant degree and applicants with such nature of degree frequently get the finest opportunity at securing a stable and solid job.Professional schools educate wannabe medical assistants fundamental mathematics, anatomy, physiology, medical morals, and useful medical treatments. Students as well study laboratory skills and techniques, and a variety of medical procedures. By completing graduation, qualifications in the medical assistance field is achieved. Apart from learning experience, candidates for medical assistant jobs should have numerous optimistic character traits such as communication and investigative skills.
We have seen on that The American Association of Medical Assistants & American Medical Technologists both propose medical assistance certification by schooling and examinations in relevant field. Whilst a proper certification is not always compulsory in order to be relevant for medical assistance jobs but one should keep in mind that this specialized position does help to advance the candidacy of a person. Job transferring groups, government employing office and high school job placement service will help out future assistants to find employment in their turf. Once the job is acquired, there is always expectations for development in the field. Assistants that demonstrate to be valuable within an office environment are sometimes promoted to the rank of supervisor. And for such persons who go for additional education in the medical assistance will as well get many prospects to go forward for a good position at their place of work.
Medical Assistant School
Medical Assistant Schools

Tri-State Institute is one of the best medical institutes, which is situated in Birmingham and provides professional training that boosts its learners to enter the fast-track towards achievement. Furthermore, students are also offered many types of training which provide them with best hands-on experience. Another medical assistant school to take in account is “Prima Medical Institute in Chula Vista”. It is a highly regarded institution in the west of United States of America and recognized as one of the most important medical training organization, it presents different types of certificate & associate degree program for its students.
It may be interesting for you to note that it wants awfully strong moral fiber and state of mind before you decide to realize your dream. Also it is same when you try to get admission in a top medical assisting school for the reason that you are going to read and study a great deal. If you are brand new graduate that means that you have just left school then believe me that it will not be too hard for you to continue your studies again. As for those students who have graduated some years back then you will require to work out and start back your reading habit. Divide some time for reading and taking notes everyday, so it’ll become easier for you to get used to the curriculum, coursework, and study atmosphere.
Furthermore, your interest is extremely prominent for getting in a top medical assistant’s school. Qualification is unquestionably a very important aspect n getting a job; some-how it wants your enthusiasm to obligate with your studies. Keep in mind that you will find yourself in anguish when you are only studying on behalf of “medical assistant earns more money”. I must advice you that if you are not harmonious in becoming a medical assistant then it is far better for you to think about other fields. But with adequate groundwork getting into a top medical assistant school is not that difficult as it seems to people.
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Online Medical Assisting
Like most of the persons in the world today, you are probably trying to figure out a new and exciting career path to get on. It can be overwhelming to make such a big decision, but a career in medical assisting is positively an immense and stimulating choice. Medical assistants perform many important tasks at hospitals and clinics. If you decide to become a medical assistant, you will be surprised with the many options to reach your goal to become a medical assistant.
One popular way to achieve the goal of becoming a medical assistant is through online self-study courses, where you can obtain your certification to becoming a CMA (certified medical assistant). In these self-study CMA courses, you receive the training and knowledge to learn everything about medical assisting and becoming accredited as a CMA. Upon successfully completing one of these courses, you take and pass an accreditation exam, which can also be done online, but are often offered at many testing centers.
Many of the programs for CMA training do require lab work. However, this lab work can be accomplished quite easily and is offered at a multitude of places, so finishing your training as a medical assistant should not be a difficult or cumbersome experience. Another attractive aspect to training in medical assisting is that you can hold down your current, regular job while doing the training. This way, you are still able to support yourself and your family while furthering your career and potential as a CMA trainee.
Programs for becoming a medical assistant vary in price. If you want to be a CMA, first decide what you can afford to spend, and then shop around at some different online courses. Generally, though, medical assisting programs online tend to cost anywhere in a range from $1,000 to $3,000. This money can be earned back quickly once a career as a CMA begins, however, so it is a type of investment in the future.
Now-a-days job market is very competitive and difficult; training to become a medical assistant can be a very good option for many people to give themselves the extra edge needed to embark on a rewarding and exciting career path. With the convenience of online training, certification and exams, training to become a CMA does not have to be a difficult experience. You will not need to put your life or current career on hold in order to train for a medical assisting career; most of it can be accomplished at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home at a small hardship at your end.
Best Job Opportunities For Medical Assistants
At the end of your educational program you can work as Medical assistant in medical offices. In addition you can also work with local and regional medical centers, clinics, and other health amenities. Just as the management staff of any organization has the responsibilities of running the business, the practice and administrative work depends largely on their medical assistants’ skills and capability. As a Medical assistant it is your duties to train patients, take vital signs, complete records, and carry out all tests according to your skill level and certifications.
On whether or not you need experience to work as a medical assistant, you don’t have to feel inferior like other graduates from medical assistant training programs may. This is because the experience and skills you gained from your previous jobs, related coursework, volunteer work, vocational training and extracurricular activities can just qualify you as experienced in the field. List your experiences in your resume and highlight them in the interview.
To construct your career in medical assisting, you need to be certified. As a graduate, you are expected to take the Examination that certifies Medical Assistants, which is conducted by the Certifying Board of the American Association of Medical Assistants. The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Program accredited the program as well as the American Association of Medical Assistants' Endowment. This will be a sure way to kick start a successful career in Medical assisting :)
Job Placement Of A Medical Assistant
A majority of schools have some kind of job placement support but fresh graduates are bright enough to find work on their own. It is always a good idea to converse with a medical employment agency which can exploit their wide-ranging social network to locate a well paying job for you. Due to exceedingly high demand, the job placement success rate is fairly higher then many other professions.
A medical assistant can earn between $25,000 and $36,000 thousand annually depending upon precise training, and locality. The opportunities to relocate to other health care fields are always good for medical assistant. The kind people interested in Medical Assisting varies but it is certainly a field of work that is in high demand, as well as rewarding. The health care field is growing by leaps and bounds creating openings for many types of health care professionals.
Being a Medical Assistant is a career to look forward to, a career to be proud of. Over the years the field has grown and as the demand increases so will the requirements, now is a ground floor opportunity to gain a wonderful career. The requirement goals are reachable for any socioeconomic bracket, and the pay is an opportunity to support any future goal you might decide upon. Being a Medical Assistant is a career to look forward to, and definitely career to be proud of.
Medical Assistants are proficient to get a fast start in the health-care field. Those people that may be a little uncertain what potential direction they would want to see their career go, medical assisting will be an chance to gain field experience without spending an great quantity of time and money on their training. It is a chance to be a fundamental part of a medical facility, learn and practice a number of various skills, and to make a difference in the lives of others each day.
Demand Of Medical Assistants
Medical assistants are in towering demand due to a swiftly expanding health care business.
Medical profession is predictable to be one of the fastest growing careers in the coming decade. The majority of the medical assistants are hired directly by the physicians whereas the rest, approximately 30 percent, either work in the hospitals or assist various other health practitioners. In 2005, United States employed nearly 408,000 medical assistants. The job growth is set to increase by 36%, in the next nine years, converting into another 150,000 new jobs!
While working under a physician, many medical assistants could easily acquaint themselves with the basic techniques. It is not a preferred method, anymore. Now, most physicians prefer medical assistants with at least a high school certificate and preferably a specialized diploma or an associate degree. Serious candidates always get at least a one year diploma or a specialized course. Few even acquire an associate degree, lasting two years. While there is no pre-requisite to gain entry into any of these programs, certain advanced short courses may require licensing. These specialized courses include specific knowledge regarding eye care, cast making and surgery assistance.
Training is provided by vocational technical high schools, vocational post secondary institutes and to a lesser extent by community colleges. The two well recognized accrediting health bodies are The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). According to a recent survey, there are more than 400 institutions in USA who are officially evaluated by these two organizations.
Candidates with initial high school studies in Biology, math, bookkeeping, typing, computers and clerical skills may find it easier to navigate the medical assistant course structure.
The two distinct types of subjects taught pertain to medical issues and clerical work. Medical courses shed light on courses such as first aid procedures, human anatomy, medical terminology, medical laws and physiology, while administrative education involves record keeping, patient relations, medicinal subscription and basic accounting. A graduate of these courses may also be trained in procedures such as taking blood, giving medications, performing X-rays, conducting laboratory tests and assisting physicians with physical checkups.
The above post show the vital demand of medical assistants throughout the country!
Medical Assistant : What is that?
Description of a Medical Assistant:
The medical assistant is a magnificent addition to a medical office and adds real worth to any doctor's practice. Medical assisting, as a profession, has been around since the 1960s. It is one among the many linked health professions in which a person can develop and be a pompous contributor to their community.
Work of a Medical Assistant:
Medical assisting is a first-rate occupation for people of all ages, and from all walks in life. Scores of people have chosen medical assisting as their lifelong career path and are very successful at it, regardless of gender, and age. While all responsibilities of running the practice as a business rests squarely on the doctor, and office management, the medical office's work flow and reputation depends largely on the skills and competence of their medical assisting staff.
Duties of a Medical Assistant:
Medical assistants commonly work in medical offices and health care practices as part of a varied, well-organized health care team. They are also eagerly hired by local and regional medical centers, walk-in clinics, and ambulatory wellness clinics. They are expected to interact with the public, and various health care professionals, and staff.
Medical assistants are expected to:
• Comply with HIPAA, CLIA, OSHA, AND JCAHO laws and regulations.
• React calmly and effectively in emergency situations.
• Add the friendly smile and caring touch to a doctor visit.
Medical assistants complete patient's medical records, take their vital signs, educate them on methods to improve their health and show them how to take their medications. If ordered by the doctor, they will also draw blood, and perform ancillary in-house tests in accordance with their training, skill level, and state regulations.
What are Medical Assistant Not?
Medical assistants should not be confused with non-physician licensed healthcare practitioners! Although they have the comparable abbreviated credentials they are different occupations with different educational requirements and functions.
Moreover, medical assistants are NOT CNAs, and will not work in nursing homes, or in the home health care industry, because there isn't always a doctor present, which is required by law.
Overview of the job of Medical Assistants
A Medical Assistant (MA) or Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) assists doctors, nurses and physicians with a variety of administrative and medical tasks. Medical assisting is one of many allied health careers. Most medical assistants work in a doctor's office, and some work in hospitals. There are many different types of medical assistant jobs available which makes it a versatile career choice.
Required Education for M-A:
There are two types of educational programs available to aspiring medical assistants. Some schools offer a one-year certificate, or you may complete a two-year associate’s degree from an accredited school. The coursework for medical assistants will include medical terminology, math and science, first aid, medical billing, and more.
Certification for M-As:
After completing the program, MA’s can sign up to take the certification exam to become a CMA. The course is offered three times per year by the American Association of Medical Assistants. The certification must be renewed every five years. Some employers do not require the certification, but CMA’s will typically have more job options than MA’s.
Duties and Responsibilities Of A Medical Assistant:
Medical Assistants help with a variety of tasks including checking patients in, taking vital signs, and medical record-keeping such as updating and filing charts. Medical Assistants also may give shots, and some help with medical billing and insurance coding.
Best FIVE Medical Assistant Schools!
We all know that the pathway to becoming a medical assistant is becoming brighter and brighter these days due to the high demand of the position. Having said that, the best assistants in this field would be those who've gained a certificate and accredit training which has proven effective by the way they carry out their work and task. There are two ways to study this course which is by the usual day to day campus course or you could take advantage and enroll into an online course.
Among the many teaching institutes that are accredited and have got good programs are:-
- Keiser University- It's an online campus which practices a "students first" philosophy and they ensure that their programs revolve around the needs of their students. Their flexible hours and course provides a 24/7 online support portal that helps students with their work. They have also got an extensive source of revision to aid the students as well.
- Tri-State Institute is located in Birmingham, London. This institution provide effective career training that helps put our graduates on the fast track to success. In addition, they provide training and hands-on experience to become qualified professionals, ready to apply for exciting entry-level jobs.
- Pima Medical Institute placed in Chula Vista is a leading medical career training institutions in the western United States, offering a wide variety of certificate and associate degree programs at nine convenient campus locations. Having been accredited by the Bureau of Health Education Schools, Pima Medical has been graduating students since 1983.
- Empire College- This is a medical teaching school with an incredible reputation more known for its excellent guide in bringing students the best education and value for money too. For those who qualify, a financial aid program is also available so that students don't miss out on the opportunity to learn and further their education.
- San Joaquin Valley College is also an online institute which is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Thanks for your time.
Golden Points for Excellence in Medical Assistant Training!
Today I am going to share some golden points to consider while going for excellence in Medical Assistant Training.. As we all know that medical assistant training is a great part of certification course as it focuses more on your hands on activity without putting your theoretical knowledge aside. If you are one of them who are in the process of undergoing your training program and have been wondering how to do well, you can stop worrying and wondering as your nonstop questionings will be answered here on this blog!
Firstly, it is an absolute must that you have the passion for the subject or you would be meeting with dead ends. In order to do well in any field of study or activity, you would need that desire and zeal for whatever it is you are doing so that you would be enthusiastic to do your best and strive to hit the sky. So make sure that you're doing this training program because you're interested in it rather than because you were pushed into it or because you didn't know what else to do.
Next, when it comes to practical coursework and assignments always get to it immediately regardless of the deadline given. With this, you would be able to avoid procrastination and would be able to hand in your best work rather than some last minute sloppy work which will keep haunting you since you know that you could have done better. In addition to that, take the effort to do your own research and studies so that you not only understand better but gain more information along the way. Don't only utilize what you've got. Hit the libraries and look up good books or search the internet as it is jam packed with never ending information. As the saying goes, there is never an end to learning.
Furthermore, know this- learning is fun, it's fun to learn. Sounds familiar? It is without a doubt that this is true so when you're going through your medical assistant training, always look at it as a fun and enjoyable activity rather than studying. After all, what you do during your training resembles what you're going to do for the rest of your life with a slight difference that you don't get paid during this round. So try making sure that you have fun during your training and in the same way, you wouldn't think of your later job as a chore but as a good source of income. Always slap a smile on your face and stay cheered even when things fail to go the way you would want it too.
Aside from all that has been mentioned, a good way to excel during your training would be by keeping an open mind. When it comes to hands on task, practical and theoretical work, you may have a bunch of set goals. But then again, you are only human so to avoid much disappointment, always make room for downfalls and failures. Also, remember that these occasional fall outs are part of the learning process, so learn from your mistakes and take home the bigger prize later on when you're making it big in your career.
All in all, medical assistant training is a fun and exciting part of your course so perform well and you would be able to reap the rewards when the time comes. Always be responsible and keep an open mind because you are going to have a good future ahead!
Is Medical Assistant Distance Learning Program Right for You?
Before you decide enroll to take classes through an online school, check to make sure distance learning is really right for you. Earning a degree online can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. But, distance education is not for everyone. While some people thrive on the independence and freedom offered through such classes, others find themselves regretting their decision and wishing they had enrolled at a traditional school instead. Successful and happy distance learners have a few characteristics in common. Compare yourself to the following list to determine whether or not online classes are a good fit for your personality and habits:
- Successful distance learners do just as well, if not better, without people looking over their shoulders.
- Successful distance learners never (or at least rarely) procrastinate.
- Successful distance learners have good reading comprehension skills
- Successful distance learners can resist constant distractions
- Successful distance learners feel alright about missing the social elements of traditional schools.
If you're ever feeling discouraged with your distance learning courses, just consider the many ways earning an online degree can enrich your life.
- You'll learn new things.
- A degree on your resume may lead to a raise or a better job.
- You'll have something interesting to say at cocktail parties.
- Your list of helpful contacts will grow.
- You'll meet interesting people who share your passions.
- Your mind will stay sharp and alert.
- With all that time online, you're sure to become a better typist.
- You'll gain the respect of your colleagues and coworkers.
- New books and experiences will come into your life.
- You can do all of this while sitting at a computer in your pajamas.
If you like the idea of distance education then St. Augustine Medical Assistant School may be perfect for you!
About 6 out of 10 medical assistants work in offices of physicians. Some medical assistants are trained on the job, but many complete basic training programs in vocational-technical high schools, postsecondary vocational schools, online distance education institutions and community/junior colleges. Medical assistants is projected to be one of the fastest growing occupations over the 2004-14 period. Job prospects should be best for medical assistants with formal training. Many medical assistant schools such as St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants now offer formal training programs for medical assistants online. This program is a convenient and very affordable way to study and become a Medical Assistant.Medical Assistant Distance Education
Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of Medical Assistant students in the twenty first century. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education program for medical assistant presents a good model for this integration of technology with medical assistant education. Distance education, particularly in its most recent form, online education, is being integrated into even the most cautious and conservative of educational institutions. Yet the impact of these alternative forms of teaching and learning on students, faculty, and institutions has yet to be broadly or deeply studied. New models such as that at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School are worth to be mentioned.
Distance education is not new, and can be traced as far back as the first century. The Apostle Paul wrote to the early Christian churches, instructing them from a distance (even when he was under 'house arrest' in Rome). This was probably the first type of 'correspondence course', which was the only method of learning at a distance until the advent of the telephone. Today, distance education and in particular online medical assistant instruction calls upon an impressive range of technologies to enable medical assistant instructor and the medical assistant student who are separated by distance to communicate with each other either in real time (synchronous) or delayed time (asynchronous). Currently and asynchronous model used at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School to instruct medical assistant students. This has proven to be a very effective model however the medical assistant program is currently investigating the benefits of synchronous online medical assistant instruction and the benefits it may have for the medical assistant student.
The task of the medical assistant distance educator is therefore to obviate these problems as much as possible by mixing and matching techniques, creating and maintaining a stimulating environment, and offering opportunities for medical assistant students to communicate with each other and with the medical assistant teaching staff on a regular basis. The medical assistant educators will also need to change their traditional role as well. Many remote medical assistant students need a great deal of social support, and medical assistant distance educators may find themselves spending more time offering one-to-one tutorials and less time lecturing. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School at is leading today’s technology in medical assistant education.
When designing medical assistant educational systems and materials for medical assistant distance in delivery the medical assistant teacher must consider not only learning outcomes, but also centered requirements and technical constraints for the medical assistant. Also to be considered are the needs, characteristics, and individual differences of both the students, the teachers and future medical assistants.
Medical assistant distance education for the medical assistant then, should not be viewed as a means of reducing costs, but as an opportunity to raise standards. It is also about providing quality medical assistant learning opportunities for those who, for one reason or another, have previously been excluded from this basic human right. Distance education will quickly become the norm and not the exception for the twenty first century medical assistant.
Thanks for your time.
Average Salary Pay For Medical Assistants
What is the average salary pay for medical assistants?
According to the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) a medical assistant salary is one of those with the best future prospects as the need for doctor's assistants is set to rise as the population gets older. It is a good time to consider a career in medical assisting just in case you are sitting there wondering what to do.
At this time certified medical assistant salaries are in the US$26,000- $36,000 range which is very competitive compared with jobs in other sectors requiring the same amount of qualification and training, plus it is worth knowing that you will be helping to feel better and to get well. Most medical assistants find jobs right away after training in many setting like hospitals and private practices. There are many choices to choose from in medical assistant jobs. One can choose to be a physician assistant, a medical examiner assistant, or a radiology assistant among many other choices. In short every sector of the medical field has a position for an assistant.
Getting training in recognized medical assisting schools is important. If you are too busy to take time off for school, you can do it online but make sure the school is a recognized one by the educational authorities in your area and the American Association of Medical Assistants. Passing your exams and getting a certification is equally important as it may mean a better position for you and better salaries. Earnings rise with experience. And if you want to reach even higher hen you can consider training for other jobs that pay more than medical assisting like nursing, doctors or even hospital administrator. You can even train to be a medical assistant instructor to train others to become medical assistants.
Of course making a decision to go for a career in the medical field is not all about the money but calls for other attributes as well like compassion for patients and a willingness to help.
Get Online Medical Assistant Degrees!
It is possible to become a trained medical assistant on the job. However, most medical assistants attend medical assisting school. So in order to be a competitive job candidate, you should consider attending as well. Most medical assisting programs last either one year (for which you will receive a certificate or a diploma) or two years (for which you will receive an associates degree).
Internships are often included in a medical assistant education program. While working in one of these internships you will gain valuable experience in a physician's office, hospital, or other health care facility.
Typically, candidates for admission to medical assisting school must have a high school diploma or equivalent.
There are two organizations that accredit MA programs, so look for these seals when reviewing programs. One is the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and the other is the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). Graduation from a program that is accredited by either of these institutions is an acceptable pre-requisites for both the CMA (AAMA) and RMA (AMT) certification programs.
Receiving an online education can be an efficient, if not the only option for those for those wanting to pursue higher education. Many brick and mortar universities offer online campuses in addition to their regular programs. Also, there are some colleges that offer online degrees only. Additionally, there are some institutions that offer a hybrid of internet classes and physical classes. The following is a list of schools that offer accredited, online, medical assistant programs.
1. University of Pheonix
2. San Joaquin Valley College Online
3. Mountain State University
4. Penn Foster Career School - Healthcare
5. Ashworth University
6. ECPI College of Technology
7. Kaplan University
8. Stratford Career Institute
9. Colorado Technical University
10. Gibbs Schools
11. Missouri College
12. Sanford-Brown College
13. Western School of Health and Business
14. Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences
15. Herzing College Online
16. Independence University
17. Indiana Business College
18. Jones College
19. Lincoln College of Technology
20. Minnesota School of Business
21. New England Institute of Technology
22. Penn Foster Career School
23. Rasmussen College
24. University of Cincinnati
25. Allied College
Things to consider when choosing an online college are:
1. is the school accredited and is the program I am interested in accredited?
2. what are the tuition and fees involved?
3. what is the teacher/student ratio?
4. is there an option for taking a course at a physical campus?
5. is financial aid available?
6. how long does it take to complete the program?
7. what are the reviews from others who have completed the program?
It would be very beneficial to get the answers to all these questions before enrolling in an online medical assistant program.
Find Medical Assistant Job Duties Under Medical Jobs!
The job of medical assistant requires that the person in the position be very attentive to detail and able to follow through on assigned tasks, with or without direct supervion. The assistant must be very dependable since many people depend on the medical assistant to be present so that the clinic, office or hospital runs smoothly and patients are seen in a timely manner. Self-control, ability to work under stress and a concern for others are vital to the position.
Personal integrity is a must for the medic assistant because they are often working with sensitive information that is confidential by nature. The assistant must have such abilities as being able to communicate well in both written and oral forms. The necessity of being able to write clearly and to understand what is written is invaluable since the medical assistant is often entering, recording, transcribing, storing and maintaining sensitive and vital information in both a written and electronic form.
The medical assistant has to be adaptable, independent and able to take initiative. The assistant has to be able to adapt and be flexible to changes that may occur in the workplace. It will be necessary to be able to develop a personal and unique style of working, often with little or no supervision, and depending only on yourself to get the job completed. A willingness to take on new challenges and responsibilities is a must.
The job of a medi assistant requires that the person has many important work values. They have to be able to form and maintain strong personal relationships so that they will be able to work with others in a friendly environment that is non-competative. The ideal person for this job must be able to be courteous to both clients and other staff, empathetic to the needs of others, compassionate, helpful and energetic.
Since the requirements of the position as medic assistant are many and diverse, they require special education. You must have a high school diploma or GED to get accepted at any of the schools that offer training as a medical assistant. Some states require that you pass a state certification exam following training. Laws differ from state to state as to whether the CMA (certified medical assistant) can draw blood or do the lab tests. In any case, the medi assistant is not the same as a physician's assistant who can diagnose and treat patients.
Get a Medical Assistant Degree With Ease!
If the thought of a career in the medical field has crossed your mind but you simply do not have the interest to become a doctor, nurse or surgeon, don't let the idea go because there are other options. Instead of looking for other fields of interest and coming up empty, you should put your foot down, hit the books and let your family and friends know that you're going to become a medical assistant :)
Now, in order to become the best at this career and to excel, you would need to be certified. With an accredited certification, you would not only land yourself with a good and stable job but you would also be able to do well as you would be well equipped with knowledge of hands on activity and familiar with jargons used at the workplace. Imagine trying to bandage a sprained ankle without knowing the right way to do it. You would lose your job within minutes. It isn't hard to earn your medical assistant certification; it just takes a little discipline and a whole lot of dedication.
As this course is pretty diverse, it would be best if you take it up voluntarily with an interest in the field rather than being forced into it. This way, you would have the passion to study and the determination to well too. The easiest way to do this would be by taking advantage of our advanced technology and enrolling into an online institute rather than a day to day class on campus. With this, you can study at your own pace and time and have the comfort of studying from your own home. Also, try building up your experiences by taking on any job opportunity that comes your way. If it doesn't give you the practical experience, you'd gain some soft skills from it.
All in all, learning has no end and when it comes to learning to get a certification or degree, don't study because you have to but study because you want to. Always be enthusiastic and you would see that it can take you far, simply because you would be more dedicated than others.
Pass Your Medical Assistant Training Exams Easily!
Today I will discuss with you some tips on passing your medical assistant exams easily and soundly without any tension! The heart breaking thought of going back to books and classes after high school ends can often be harsh but it depends on how you look at it. So, it could be a misery or it could be a blessing. If you're looking into becoming a medical assistant and want to be sure that you pass your medical assistant training with ease, there are a few guidelines that you should adhere to, to avoid falters along the way.
First, it is important that when pursuing your studies, you bring along with you the passion and desire to excel and do well. This can only be done if you have the love for your subject and ambition. Write down your aim and goal for your studies and stick it up on the wall somewhere you can see every day. This would act as a reminder for you to keep being determined to help you do your best when studying by putting your best foot forward.
Next, avoid all forms of procrastination as it would result in last minute work that would be shabby and way below your personal standards. When given a task or assignment to work on, get started as soon as possible without putting it off. This way, it is without a doubt that you'd would have enough time to explore all the different sources of information and you would be able to put your best effort into work and produce your best work.
Furthermore, know that preparation is the key- the key to everything. So take advantage of your classes and make full use of them. During lectures and study sessions, always be prepared with a pen in hand so that you can effectively take notes to use later on. While undergoing the training program, be sure to have your mind set on being hard working. If you assume that it's alright to slack off once in awhile as you can catch up later, you might find yourself in a pit of regret, so don't try it.
Please keep in mind that it's vital for you to know your stuff so that you can strut it well later on. so study smart, not hard.
Hope you got my point on medical assistant training exams?
Any feedback is more than welcomed! :)
Best Way to Prepare For The Medical Assistant Exams
Consider the following scenario...
Notes, books, past year question papers and revision texts, lecture copies are scattered all over your room. This can only mean one thing; exams are around the corner :)
Medicine has never been an easy course, and even though this isn't the whole big doctor or surgeon thing, preparing for a medical assistant exam is just as nerve wrecking. So, what do you do? Well, the smart thing to do would be to calm down and keep yourself down to earth while preparing for your exam.
You should start off by making sure that you are calm and free from butterflies in your stomach. Do some light exercise and deep breathing, then clear your mind and get a hold of your emotions. In order to study effectively, you need to rid of any negative pre-examination emotion such as anxiety and worry. If you still find yourself extremely anxious, then try going for a long walk or take a drive around the neighborhood. This should help put you at east for awhile.
Next, don't study hard, study smart. Instead of reading straight out of your textbook for hours and hours trying to digest the information, try briefly going through it once then make your own notes and mind maps to help. During classes, pay attention to the lecturer instead of jotting down notes and doodles on the sidelines. Then, as soon as you get back, review what you've gone through in class and start making notes. This way, when it gets closer to your exam, instead of lugging around the huge textbooks and revision books, you could just use your notes. If it helps, make them into flashcards and carry them around in your pockets or bag. With this, you could always go through your notes while waiting for the bus or in a queue.
Read, revise, redo. The best way to make sure that you're well prepared to gain your medical assistant certificate would be to go repeatedly go over your work, dividing your time between subjects or chapters. Once you're done with each section, try doing a couple of questions as it would help strengthen your memory and show you how much you actually know. If you don't have enough questions with you, use the internet and look it up on your search engine.
Aside from all that has been mentioned, in order to make sure that your mind is in perfect functioning order, you would need to keep your physical self in good condition too. Get sufficient rest and don't ignore those eye bags. If you're the kind of person who has adjusted to late nights and simply can't change, make sure you get a continuous 7-8 hours of sleep a day and avoid burning the midnight oil the day before your examination. Also, drink plenty of water and eat your greens. You don't want to be catching the flu anytime near your exam day.
All in all, effective and good studying is easy as long as you put your mind to it. So kick off those jitters and hit the books for the upcoming exam!
I wish you good luck!
Benefits of Being a Medical Assistant In Hospital
Hi readers..
Today I would like to discuss the benefits of being a medical assistant with you people. There are an innumerable amount of occupations available in today's world, and as they increase in variety for each field, we tend to push away the jobs that we think of as insignificant simply because they play slightly smaller roles than others in that specific field. When it comes to the medical field, it can be said that the position of a medical assistant is often looked down at because we don't really know what BENEFITS you can get from being a medical assistant??
A medical assistant is one who acts as the wing man to doctors in clinics and hospitals by assisting them with paper work at the front desk and general work in the back office along with the basics of medicine such as drawing blood and etc. The benefit of this position is that you're likely to make a good living off it as a certified medical assistant roughly earns about $21,373 per year. There is no doubt that this is indeed a solid and stable career that can take you far.
In addition to that, you would also be guaranteed a good medical and dental plan. As we age, you would see that these little perks are actually a big deal as it saves a lot of money and allows us to frequently visit the doctor to make sure we're in good condition. Also, you would get to indulge in many paid vacations and sick leave because it is important for you to be in good health since you would be working around patients. Hence, you're sick leave would be more lenient in comparison to other careers.
Besides all that has been mentioned, the advantage of taking up this career is the amazing exposure and experience you get along the way. As a medical assistant, you are constantly meeting people of different races, cultures, backgrounds and with different problems. With this, you get the chance to mingle and get to know the many different people that exist within our species. Also, as you interact and get to know many different people, you also pick up working experience which would help secure your position, giving you the chance at better job opportunities later on.
Furthermore, despite this job being one that is challenging it is also one of the noblest things you could do for a living. The altruistic nature of the position puts you in a place to offer advice to patients, helping them cope with whatever physical hardship they may be going through. You would also actively be involved in the ongoing process of patients' care and by channeling your efforts towards improving the patients' health. This can bring you an immense feel of satisfaction and prides knowing that you spend your days helping others have good ones.
All in all, many people would say that a medical assistant is simply the secretary of a medical office and you shouldn't bother putting time and effort into it. But this is wrong. This field of study has got a lot to offer, so if you've got the interest and the opportunity, then grab it without hesitation and go with it.
Hope you like the article..
Career Of A Medical Assistant
There are many concrete reasons for you in building a career as a medical assistant! Although the medical assistant profession can be very challenging but it also brings many financial and personal satisfactions. Medical assistants have always been considered to be major components of the health care industry, fulfilling a set of vital roles in the medical offices. As a medical assistant, you have the opportunity to offer a very important service to the community, by participating actively in the ongoing process of patients’ care and by channeling your efforts towards improving the patients’ health.
Unlike other professions in the medical field, the medical assistant profession involves a lot of interaction and communication, both with the monitored patients and with other members of the medical staff. Thus, besides being the main healthcare provider for patients, as a medical assistant you also have the opportunity to offer patients a lot of moral support. Due to its eclectic nature and the pronounced level of interaction with people, the medical assistant profession is considered to be a very demanding profession, requiring a wide range of practical and theoretical skills, good decision making abilities, good communication skills and nevertheless, a lot of talent!
Although a career as a medical assistant can be very challenging, it also brings a lot of satisfaction! Apart from the noble and altruistic nature of the profession which allows practitioners to offer an important service to the community, ensuring the well-being of patients, the medical assistant profession is also very lucrative and financially stable. While an inexperienced medical assistant may at first earn an annual $20,000 salary, fully qualified medical assistants may eventually earn more than $40, 000 a year.
Due to the ongoing development and expansion of the healthcare industry, the request for medical assistants is very acute in present and it is expected to further grow in the coming years, thus rendering the medical assistant career stable and secure on professional level. In addition, well-trained medical assistants have very good prospects for promotion in the medical field, being able to qualify for various administrative occupations or become medical technology professionals.
In order to fulfill your dream of becoming a qualified medical assistant, it is very important not to neglect your professional training. Keep in mind that proper medical assistant training is crucial for becoming certified and acquiring important credentials in a short period of time. At first, medical assistant training focuses on familiarizing you with the basics, later helping you to further expand your knowledge and overall practical skills required.
The best thing to do in order to ensure a secure career in the field is to attend a high quality medical assistant training program at a highly recognized medical assistant school. By attending to a good medical assistant school, you will be able to polish your skills as a medical assistant and become a true professional in your branch. The medical assistant training you will receive in a highly recognized medical assistant school will greatly increase your chances of obtaining your desired certifications and accreditations from the first try, allowing you to build the scaffolds of a promising career in no time!
There are various medical assistant schools out there, each of them offering different advantages and disadvantages. The trick to finding the most appropriate medical assistant school for you is to carefully decide upon the level of professional medical assistant training you wish to achieve and to analyze the resources you benefit from; you should know exactly how much time, money and effort you are willing to invest in your medical assistant training long before you start attending to the courses of a certain medical assistant school. For instance, although they may offer similar credentials, some medical assistant schools have the advantage of allowing students to graduate sooner than others.
In order to find out exactly what to expect from a certain kind of medical assistant training offered by a given medical assistant school, it is very important to do a little research before choosing the most appropriate educational program for you. After you have decided upon a medical assistant training program, you should maintain your motivation levels high and work hard to achieve your pre-established goals. While some training programs may be better than others, and some medical assistant schools may be more popular than others, in the end the success of your medical assistant career is direct proportional with your motivation, dedication and not to mention, talent!
I hope you found the article informative!!
Thanks for your time!
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